Does Weight Regain After Bariatric Surgery Happen Often?

bariatric vitamins


Obesity is a prevalent problem affecting many people worldwide. Nowadays, many seek bariatric treatment to manage severe cases of obesity. One of the greatest fears among patients is regaining weight after the surgery. The bitter truth is that this may happen! Some people gain weight after about 12 months past surgery, and this happens for various reasons.

 What percentage of patients regain weight after bariatric surgery?

About 90% of patients experience significant weight loss after bariatric surgery. Also, many experience other health-related benefits such as the resolution of sleep apnea, improving hypertension, and sometimes remission to type 2 diabetes. For excellent results, the doctor may recommend bariatric vitamins to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

Sadly, weight loss can be challenging to sustain, and many reach maximum weight levels at 1-3 years after the procedure. Research shows that most patients regain about 30% of the lost weight in 10 years. Moreover, 50% of the patients experience weight gain 24 months after surgery. And studies show that this is common in super-obese people. Again, the pouch may expand over time, allowing patients to eat more without getting full, triggering more weight gain.

 How do people regain weight after bariatric surgery?

Bariatric surgery is a long-term procedure involving many lifestyle adjustments. You still have to watch your diet, follow an exercise regime, and take some vitamin supplements. In this case, a tespo dispenser might be extremely useful for a consistently mixed dose.

Although this may seem easy, with time, most patients tend to consume more and exercise less. If this happens, the weight loss curve plateaus and may take time to go up. For this reason, you can use the baritastic app to avoid missing steps in their weight loss journey, keeping up with other patients or discovering healthy recipes.

How can I avoid regaining weight after bariatric surgery?

Have a bariatric team

You need someone to help you in your weight loss journey. A bariatric team can help you stay focused and avoid undesirable eating habits. If you begin gaining some pounds, don’t feel embarrassed. Instead, seek help to determine the cause and get ideas on how to deal with it.

The doctor may prescribe some medications or offer support and coaching if that is all you need. Moreover, visit your bariatric team regularly; this helps you stay on track.

Follow a nutrition plan.

Nutrition plays a significant role in your weight loss journey. Follow the instructions diligently, eat healthily and take an energy multivitamin serving daily. Eat small portions often and avoid snacking and binge eating.

 It’ll prevent you from feeling full, and you may want to indulge in more! Again, the extra calories encourage weight gain and losing it is another challenge altogether.

Connect with peers

 Join a support group for other patients who have undergone bariatric surgery. These are people struggling with similar issues and can share ideas and help you commit yourself to the weight loss journey. If you need more support, discuss this with the bariatric team.

A quick wrap up

It’s easy to regain weight after bariatric surgery. Your eating habits can significantly derail your weight loss efforts. However, you can achieve success through proper diet, exercise, and a reliable support system.

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