Frequently Asked Questions About Weight Loss Surgery in Dallas, TX

Weight Loss Surgery


Obesity is not a lifestyle condition that can be improved just by hitting the gym, the condition is serious which may require surgical solutions. According to the CDC, the obesity rate among Americans has increased by 11.4% from 1999-2000 to 2017-2020, which also explains the subsequent rise in the number of bariatric surgeries being performed. Weight loss surgery is usually prescribed when non-surgical solutions such as diet and exercise have failed to produce desirable results in obese patients. If you are a resident of Dallas struggling with morbid obesity, consult a weight loss surgeon in Dallas TX, however, firstly, there are certain aspects related to bariatric surgeries that you must be thorough with. In this blog, we have answered three frequently asked questions that will clear the fog on bariatric surgeries for you.

1. What are the various weight-loss surgical procedures?

Based on the severity of your medical history and budget, your doctor can recommend any of the following bariatric surgery in Dallas:

  • Sleeve Gastrectomy: Also known as Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy, in this surgical procedure 80% of your stomach is removed, leaving it in a banana-like shape to limit the production of ‘Ghrelin’ (hunger hormone) and reduce your food intake.
  • Roux-en Y Gastric Bypass: Pronounced as ‘roo-en-wy’, this surgical bariatric procedure connects the upper portion of the stomach directly to the small intestine, resulting in bypassing most of the stomach which ultimately reduces your appetite. One of the most preferred surgical weight-loss solutions, the gastric bypass has been in practice since the early 60s and with time and the introduction of technology, it has become safer than ever before.
  • Single Anastomosis Duodenoileal Bypass Surgery: This is a variation of Duodenal Switch with a slight modification in bypassing technique. In SADI-S, firstly a sleeve gastrectomy is performed and then the metabolically active part of the small intestine is bypassed to attach the top of the intestine to its latter section.
  • Single Intestinal Pylorus Sparing Duodenal Switch: Also known as Single-Anastomosis Duodenal Switch, this procedure resembles the basic Duodenal Switch except that in this, the intestine is not divided. This surgical procedure involves bypassing the majority of the stomach, keeping its functionality intact and then the portion below the duodenum is connected to a loop of the intestine near the terminal ileum. SIPS is an effective surgical weight-loss solution that focuses on reducing food intake & malabsorption.

To understand which procedure is suitable for you, it is wise to consult a leading weight loss surgeon in Dallas TX.

2. What side effects should I be mindful of while opting for surgical weight-loss procedures?

Like any other surgeries, with a bariatric surgery, the risk of side effects can’t be denied. When you consult a weight loss surgeon in Dallas TX or anywhere else, make sure to discuss possible side effects of your chosen bariatric surgical procedure.

  • Reflux & Heartburn: Weight loss surgeries where small pouches are created in an attempt to bypass the stomach, there are high chances of stomach acids getting refluxed back to the esophagus, increasing susceptibility to heartburn.
  • Malnutrition: Weight loss surgeries are designed to either limit the appetite or reduce nutrient absorption. This can lead to serious malnutrition and development of mineral and vitamin deficiency syndromes.
  • Other Complications: Nutrition is the basis of all the physiological processes and any issues in its digestion or assimilation from weight loss surgeries, can lead to complications such as ulcers, dumping syndrome and enlargement of the esophagus.

Bariatric surgeries can change your life forever.  Some surgical procedures such as Sleeve Gastrectomy are irreversible so you need to consult the best surgeons and research thoroughly before undergoing weight loss surgery in DFW or anywhere else.

3. How do I know if I am eligible for a surgical bariatric procedure?

Bariatric surgeries spearhead the charge against extreme obesity when it comes to efficacy. However, willing to undergo bariatric surgery and being eligible for one are two different things. While both are prerequisites to undergoing weight loss surgery, mere absence of any one can make you ineligible. Despite the exceptional efficacy, these surgeries also pose a risk of lifelong implications, which is why certain criteria or qualifications have to be met. While the criteria for a weight loss surgery differs from procedure to procedure, the basic eligibility criteria are:

  • Your BMI should be greater than or equal to 40.
  • Presence of obesity-related health disorders/diseases such as hypertension, sleep apnea and type-2 diabetes due to higher BMI.
  • Persistent obesity despite having tried prolonged non-surgical methods such as diet & exercise.

To decide your eligibility for weight loss surgery, a comprehensive pre-surgery screening process is carried out for deriving insights about your weight history, eating patterns, mental health and other factors. Certain factors can even delay and rule you out from getting a weight loss procedure done:

  • Mental reluctance to undergo surgery
  • Body not ready medically for the surgery
  • Gaining weight during the evaluation phase
  • Not amending diet and exercise as per recommendations


Bariatric surgery is not merely about minor changes in the digestive system and instant weight loss, it also requires robust mental determination to adapt to lifelong changes, which is why it is vital to consult an experienced bariatric or general surgeon in Dallas TX and understand all the ins and outs of the process. Contact a surgeon that is known to offer the best bariatric weight loss surgery in DFW, has a rich experience in the field, and is transparent with the patients.

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