Smartest Solutions for the perfect fertility Solutions

Female doctor discussing reports with patient at desk in medical office
Female doctor discussing reports with patient at desk in medical office


There can be many reasons why a woman may not be successful in getting pregnant. Age, diet, psychological factors are determining factors for a woman’s fertility.Apart from age, there are also pathological causes (infections, ovulation abnormalities) which can cause the risk of sterility in a woman.

The General Issues

Generally, if after a year of unprotected sex, the pregnancy is still delayed, it is best to see a doctor who will probably suggest a fertility check-up on both spouses. But this consultation can be considered earlier, if the members of the couple are over 35 because the longer we wait, the more fertility will be problematic. You can visit here and have the best deals.

  • The doctor will explore at least four parameters: sperm in men; and in women: the ovaries, tubes and uterine cavity. The results of this assessment will be able to give an orientation in the choice of the most relevant therapy to help the couple to have a baby.
  • In general, it is best to see a doctor if after a year of unprotected sex, the much desired pregnancy is still pending.
  • This is an average, because everything depends on the age of the members of the couple, their medical history. From there, the doctor will suggest examinations to be done to one of the spouses, or often to both.
  • Thanks to these explorations, the doctor will undoubtedly identify the causes of sterility , both on the male and female side, and, depending on the results, solutions will be proposed, adapted to each one.

On the woman’s side

In women, the causes of infertility are numerous, and require an accurate assessment, with a number of additional examinations. Among the most common causes:

Sequelae of genital tract infection

Some sexually transmitted infections affecting the reproductive system (such as a Chlamydia infection ) can – ultimately – partially or completely obstruct the fallopian tubes, and prevent the passage of sperm. One of the difficulties is that the infection is sometimes not detectable. Do not hesitate to consult at the slightest sign of infection (itching, stomach aches).

If these infections are caught early, they can be treated with medication (usually antibiotics). On the other hand, if the disease was not discovered early enough, and has left sequelae, surgery or in vitro fertilization can be used.

Ovulation disorders

It is a very common cause of infertility. Several cases can arise. There is either a complete absence of ovulation or an irregularity thereof.

Some women with a normal menstrual cycle may still have ovulation problems. Hormonal treatment acts on the ovaries, and thus stimulates ovarian function. With this treatment, one or more ovulations can be triggered. There are two main types of hormonal treatments that should be done with serious medical supervision.


Fragments of the endometrium (uterine lining) develop where they “shouldn’t”, and can be found around the ovaries, the tubes of the uterus, thus making fertilization impossible. The classic treatment of endometriosis is based on progestins, which will calm painful episodes. In the event of a fertility problem , one of the solutions is to remove the fragments of endometriosis by a surgical operation (laparoscopy).

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