When To Know That Your Child Needs Glasses

When To Know That Your Child Needs Glasses


Many times when a child complains of not being able to see the blackboard in the classroom clearly, then parents tend to think that these are just mere excuses. Thinking that it s one of the many stories cooked up by the child, they tend to ignore. This ignorance is something that costs them and their child a lot later. It is not wise for parents to overlook a problem stated by children. Sometimes, there might be truth, which needs to be explored. So, next time, your child complains of a headache or any vision problem, just pay heed to it. The wise thing would be to visit an eye doctor at the earliest. If there is nothing serious, then your child might just need to get glasses. Even for that, a checkup is necessary.

Vision problems can result from many things. Knowing the perfect cause is necessary for proper treatment. That is why visiting an eye specialist is the best thing to so. After a check-up, parents will know of the reason. According to many experienced eye doctors, there are some reasons for which children might need to wear glasses. These include the following:

  • If they have a lazy eye. Children with weak or amblyopic (lazy) eye will need to wear glasses, to strengthen their eyesight.
  • For improving vision
  • For improving position of the eyes. With children having crossed eyes or misaligned eyes, wearing glasses might help to improve the vision to a great extent.
  • Improving vision and providing protection if any child suffers from problem in one eye
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These causes will only surface when parents take their children for a check-up, but in general, is there any way for parents to know that their child is suffering from a problem? Yes, there is. One might need to take a close look at some of the signs to make out if children are having any vision problems, and they might need glasses.

Tilting the head or covering one eye- Keep a close eye on your child and see whether he or she is covering one eye or tilting their head to a certain angle. They might be doing this in order to increase clarity. Often children have misaligned eyes, and they do this for a clearer view. This is also indicative of Amblyopia or lazy eye.

Keeping hand held devices too close to the eyes- Take note whether your child is holding books or any electronic media to close to their eyes. This is done for better readability often, but that can also be a vision problem lurking behind the actual cause.

Check whether your child is squinting- Squinting is not common, and if your child has been doing a lot of it, then there is some serious problem. Your child might be suffering from a refractive error. This means that your child is having a hard time focusing on image. They might be trying to handle the problem temporarily by squinting their eyes.

Too much eyes rubbing- Always rubbing the eyes does not mean that your child is feeling sleepy, or something has gone into their eyes. It can mean that they are suffering from eye fatigue and strain or many other problems and conditions.

Frequent headaches and eye-pain- If your child complains of frequent headaches or an eye pain, then it might mean that they might be overexerting their eyes to focus to blurred vision.

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All these problems might not take a lot of time to grow into something severe. That is why it is better to get in touch with a eye doctor and see if they are prescribed glasses.

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